
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Life better or worse?

Well,if you really want to know does industrail revolution changes the life of people,you must know what is industrail revolution first.There was a time when almost all products were hand-made and the factory system did not exist. The transition from a world of artisan manufacture to a factory system, and all its attendant benefits with which we are familiar, is known as the of the 18th century.Industrial Revolution. It began in Britain in the early years In a little over a century, Britain went from a largely rural, agrarian population to a country of industrialized towns, factories, mines and workshops. Britain was already beginning to develop a manufacturing industry during the early years of the early 18th century, but it was from the 1730's that its growth accelerated.The first satisfactory screw-cutting lathes were made by an English instrument maker, Jesse Ramsden (1735-1800) in 1770. His work had wide ramifications, probably inspiring a large screw-cutting lathe first designed by Henry Maudslay (1771-1831) in 1797 and produced in 1800. The micrometer for the bench work on this machine was accurate to 1/10,000 of an inch. Maudslay had a long-lasting influence on the British machine tool industry. Three of his assistants developed other variants of machine tools. Richard Roberts (1789-1864) introduced a more powerful lathe, and in 1817 built the first planning machine for metal, and shortly, his first gear cutting machine was made. He also improved the spinning mule and designed a punching machine for making rivet holes in 1847. Joseph Whitworth (1803-1887) improved and enlarged many of the early machine tools, which he first encountered in Maudslay's works. He is best known for constructing a measuring machine that could measure to an accuracy of 1/1,000,000 of an inch, and for first suggesting the standardization of screw threads in English industry. Probably Maudslay's greatest protégé was James Nasmyth (1808-1890), whose inventions include the milling machine and a planning machine or shaper.The Industrial Revolution started because that nation had the technological means, government encouragement, and a large and varied trade network. The first factories appeared in 1740, concentrating on textile production.As everyone know, Singapore has being prosper for quite a long time as Singapore are using the Industrial Revolution as Singapore are ‘importing’ scholars to make Singapore for the better by having them to be more creative and productive so more product will be produce and price will drop so that everyone in Singapore can afford it do change our lifes better.